📁 Folders
Import and (3-Ways of Instancing)
1) Using environment variables
use vinicinbgs\Autentique\Folders;
$folders = new Folders(); // AUTENTIQUE_TOKEN in .env
2) Passing token in constructor
use vinicinbgs\Autentique\Folders;
$folders = new Folders($token); // Alternative token
3) Setting Api instance (url and timeout) and sandbox mode ("true"|"false")
in Folders instance
use vinicinbgs\Autentique\Utils\Api;
use vinicinbgs\Autentique\Folders;
$api = new Api('https://api.autentique.com.br/v2/graphql', 100);
$folders = new Folders($token);
$folders->setApi($api) // use only if you want to change the default timeout 60 seconds
$folders->setSandbox("true") // string. "true"|"false"
1 - List all folders
$foldersPaginated = folders->listAll($page); // if not isset $page is equal 1
2 - List the folder by id
$folder = $folders->listById($folderId);
3 - Create a folder
$attributes = [
"folder" => [
"name" => "folder name",
$folder = $folders->create($attributes);
4 - List the folder contents by id
$folderContents = $folders->listContentsById($folderId, $page = 1);
5 - Delete a folder
$folderDeleted = $folders->deleteById($folderId);